My Davey is living in Minnesota for the summer. I really missed him, so he flew me out to see him. What a good boy!

This is the puppy that Davey gave me. He got it at Valley Fair.

And this is how I woke up. "Good morning Aunt Caymo!"

We went for a walk along the Mississippi. Tommy is very good at walking his puppy.

"Tommy, don't eat it!"

A pile of nasty bugs. There were piles like this under every light.

Cute little family.

Doing a jig.

"Tommy don't eat it!" Just a couple seconds later Megan threw it in the Mississippi.

This is Tommy's fountain that he loves to play in.

He kept running up and down this path.

Then Pooka would follow.

Cutest little puppy.


He's not really into pictures right now.

Then we went to this place called the sculpture garden.

Tommy loved the cherry and spoon.

Each tree in this area had at least 10 wind chimes. And they were always making noise. It was the coolest thing I've ever heard.

Mr. Independent.

Say cheese...right!

Our tour guide.

Right before he started grabbing dirt and throwing it.

Right after!

Then we went to the Como Zoo, and found friends. This is Amanda. She paints better than alot of today's artists.

This is Pampa (my dad!)

And James!

Our last day we went to the mall and ate at Rainforest Cafe. We found a stuffed Tommy for sale.

Goofy dales...

Me and my goofy Dave.

Tommy on the plane. He was good until the last half hour. He thought he was so funny wearing momma's glasses!