I'm sure that 100% of you reading this know all about this
and have seen pictures and videos.
Pictures and videos way better than this
These don't do the oddly-named storm justice.
Dave and I had been taking care of my parents house
while they were out of town. (of course they missed the
coolest storm this town has seen in years)
and have seen pictures and videos.
Pictures and videos way better than this
These don't do the oddly-named storm justice.
Dave and I had been taking care of my parents house
while they were out of town. (of course they missed the
coolest storm this town has seen in years)

ginormous storm cloud (or so we thought) coming on the
horizon. It was the strangest thing because it moved faster
than anything I had ever seen.

The thing that freaked us out the most, was that it literally covered
half the sky. As far east and west as we could see, there
was the cloud.

being picked up in the wind. We ran inside, just in time for the whole area
to be engulfed in haboob. We were inside for no more than
30 seconds when we looked out the window and couldn't see further
than a foot. It was pitch black outside. We couldn't even see the street light
in our own parking lot.

to meet someone. We weren't sure whether we should still
go, but we didn't know who to contact, so we ventured outside.
It was the weirdest thing because just breathing would
fill ever orifice with dust and dirt.
We haven't had a good enough storm, so most things are
still covered in an inch of dust and dirt.
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